

What is it?

March 14 is World Pi Day, and the goal of the day is to celebrate world's most famous number: Pi.

The date has not been chosen randomly but it is due to the american date format (m/d), resulting in none other than 3/14, also know as the first three numbers of Pi, rounded to the tenth.


A bit of history

We have evidence of the use of Pi already in ancient Mesopotamia, at the time of the Babylonian empire, and its value was known as the relationship between the circumference of a circle and its diameter.
The name we use today to indicate this value has been assigned to it in recent times, when in 1706 english math scientist William Jones called the ratio Pi, in honor of Pythagoras.

The first celebrations were as recent as 1988, when Latty Shaw (american physicist), started the tradition of Pi Day in San Francisco.

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Montecarlo Method applied to Pi

The Montecarlo Method is based on the Law of large numbers.

This math strategy enables us to approximate Pi: picture a large amount of ping pong balls and drop them on a circular target placed on top of a square board;
as we throw an infintely large amount of balls, the ratio between the ones that hit the target and the total approaches Pi.

Created by Lorenzo Scialanga and Daniele Affinita | lorenzo.scialanga@gmail.com danieleaffinita2000@gmail.com